How to deal with a tiger (or not let stress control your live)

How to deal with a tiger (or not let stress control your live)

Our “modern tigers” - things, events or people that make us stressed - many times form a part of our lives and we come across them every day without a possibility to run away. While an instant reaction to the situation of danger has been helping a mankind d to survive, a long-lasting exposure to stress has severe consequences on our health, mental wellness, relationships and work.

You don’t need a holiday

You don’t need a holiday

"Approximately 1,500 adults were questioned about their happiness before and after travel, and for the average vacation, people reported no change in happiness. Why spend all the time, money, and energy if vacations do not have a return on that investment?” The conditions that you are leaving at the office, won’t change while you’re on holiday. What has to change is the way you approach your work once you’re back.

Meet the Boost Camp Bali

Meet the Boost Camp Bali

Do you feel like stuck at some point in your career and not really sure if you want to move forward in the same direction? What if there is a place carefully designed for people standing on the professional crossroads or just wanting to boost their inner resources, stop a crazy race of the busy days full of targets, meetings and not used lunch breaks...Actually, it´s so much more than a place. MEET THE BOOST CAMP BALI! Boost Camp Bali is a 3-weeks co-living, co-working, confidence building, wellness and coaching project to blow your inner strength and give you a space to meet yourself with yourself out of the hectic business world.

Is Bali still worth going?

Is Bali still worth going?

Is Bali too touristy and crowded? Has Bali lost its charm and became too congested or is it still a paradise island? From time to time I hear this question from my friends expecting the Eat, Pray, Love scenery but worried to meet over-commercialized island with too many Julias Robert looking more for a good selfie and a drink than for them-selfs. After so many months that I spent on Bali, following well known and off-beaten tracks, I feel that this article can give you an answer.

It’s time to discover a real Asia

It’s time to discover a real Asia

It took us a long time, thousands of kilometres, hundreds of travellers sharing the same trails, loads of challenges and much more rewarding moments to learn what we know today. Maybe we don’t have the exact answer on how the black holes are created or what is a purpose of life, but we know what is a link between those two apparently far subjects. And what it has to do with discovering a real Asia.